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Entwined Souls (Soul Sister Book 1) Page 7

  Alley snapped her fingers in front of Braxton’s face and told her brother to pull himself out of it. Shaking his head side to side, he chuckled and was stalking toward me, kinda like a panther on the prowl. Sinful, sexy, and seductive.

  Butterflies, hundreds of them had taken flight in my belly. Flutters of nerves stole my oxygen and I was holding all my air in. As Braxton approached, he seemed to sense what was going on. Touching my arm slightly, he whispered, “Just breathe.” His hand lingered for a minute and then he dropped it to his side. I immediately missed the contact.

  Releasing the breath I’d been holding, I studied him. Something in his gaze told me that all the worry I had about what I was wearing and being nervous was nonsense. His eyes spoke volumes, telling me that he appreciated how I looked. They seemed to say something else that could be even more important, but I wasn’t sure what it was right then. Maybe by the end of the date, that message would become clear.

  “Are you ready to go?” His voice was a little rough, and once again the fluttering started. Only this time it had dropped south and landed in another region making me all too aware of this man’s effect on me.

  Alley cleared her throat and gave a little whistle, clearly letting us know she was still there. Braxton and my eyes finally unlocked and I looked over at her. She was laughing. Maybe not out loud, but clear as day, I could tell she was cracking up inside. I held back from commenting and turned back to Braxton. “Yes, I’m ready.”

  Laying his hand on my back possessively, he guided me to the door. My skin lit on fire where he was touching me and I almost forgot to say anything to Alley. I turned at the last minute and said a quick goodbye. This time she laughed out loud and gave a funny little wave. The last thing I’d heard as the door was closing was her saying, “Have fun, just not too much fun. And don’t forget to be back by curfew.” I thought Summer would have been bad, but I should have known Alley would have been a shit load of trouble too.

  Heading down the sidewalk, Braxton still had his hand on me, and it felt so good. I almost didn’t want to get in the car, knowing he would have to remove it. Reaching the passenger side of his Jeep, he pressed the key fob to unlock the door with his free hand, then dropped his other from my body, using it to pull the door open. The loss of physical connection pulled a sigh from my lips. What in the world is this man doing to me? I wanted to scream, “Put it back!”

  Trying to drown out my crazy thoughts, I jumped in the Jeep and Braxton closed my door. As I put on my seatbelt, I watched him round the front of the vehicle, and I couldn’t help but think what a lucky girl I was. And how I’d like to lick the man like my favorite lollipop.

  Oops... well, so much for diminishing the crazy talk.

  Braxton climbed in the driver’s side and shoved the key into the ignition and paused. Turning his head he looked over at me and said, “In case I forget to tell you later, thanks for saying yes to tonight.”

  Wow, this guy is something else. “You’re welcome, thanks for asking me,” I replied. “Think we can put the top down since it’s so nice out?” There was a small breeze blowing the sweet smell of spring through the air and the sun was still shining. It was early enough that it wasn’t dark yet. The sun warming on our faces would have felt amazing. The company sitting right beside me was the icing on the cake. What more could a girl ask for?

  I was almost sure this was going to be the best date of my life.

  “You bet we can put it down. I wasn’t sure if you would want to, so I left it up earlier.”

  “Yeah, I would love it.”

  Pulling his hand from his keys, he put the top down and then looked over at me once again. “Anything you want to listen to while we drive or would it be okay if we just talked?”

  Shit on a stick. I loved talking to Braxton and had been doing it for days, but that was on the phone. Now being so close to this sexy, gorgeous man, his masculine scent that was a dark woodsy smell, mixed with a hint of spice that was currently turning my brain to mush and his amazing eyes looking my way, made me nervous. I knew we were on a date and that conversation would need to take place, but truth be told, I had to pee. Not really possible in the front seat of his Jeep, so I didn’t say that, thank goodness, but rather said, “Talking is good.”

  “So you went into the center for a while today, how did that go?”

  “Honestly, there was some good and bad today. There are siblings, a boy and girl that got adopted, which is fabulous and I’m so excited for them, but while that’s good, the hard part is that where they are moving to isn’t close to the center so they won’t be coming anymore. The new parents brought them by to say goodbye and promised to bring them to visit, but it won’t be the same.” My bottom lip quivered and I got misty-eyed thinking about it. “It’s hard when they go. I still wish for them all to find families if needed, that’s what Hopeful Jurnee is all about and more. The road to happiness and support along the way. A place that will always be there for them if they need to make a U-turn whenever there may be a bump in the road, a need to start over, or just a helping hand.”

  “Wow, I can see how that would be hard, but what you're doing there and the heart you put into it makes such a difference to the kids. I could see it when you showed me around. They love you, the staff adores you and all I had to do was be there for a few minutes to see how special not only that place is, but you too.”

  “Really?” That’s all I could manage to say, his words touched me and I was a little choked up. But then I remembered the other thing that happened today that wasn’t fun at all and a little frightening. “I haven’t told you about the scary and disturbing part of the day.”

  “What’s that?” Braxton asked me with a little darker tone, like he had immediately known he wouldn’t like what I’d been about to say.

  “Remember Embry, I introduced you to her when you came by?”

  “Of course I do, how can I forget the little one you call Angel, which fits her so well. Or the fact you wish you could adopt her.” Holy Moly! I can’t believe he remembered all that. Now would be a good time to give that arm of mine a pinch.

  “Well, her dad busted into the center today, high as a kite, and was demanding to take her home. I don’t even think he has a place to take her to. He was so loud you could hear his voice boom through all the rooms and echo off the walls. He scared a bunch of the kids. Embry actually hid in a corner and was crying, she knew without a doubt who it was, and what he was capable of. Luckily he didn’t get a chance to see her. While one of the male employees held him off, I got the police on the line and they got there fast. It was crazy, and as he was leaving, he was screaming at me that I stole his little girl. He has tried to come in a few times and talk to me, so he knows I run the place, but this is the worst it’s been. Every time they take him away it’s calm for a while, but then he pops back up again later.” A sigh seeped through my lips “I am just glad it didn’t get out of hand.”

  Braxton was seriously quiet right now and I was unsure why. When he spoke again, I was one, a little more worried about Embry’s dad and two, a bit gooey inside that the amazing man next to me was concerned about my wellbeing.

  “Jurnee, men like that are capable of anything, especially when on drugs,” Braxton said on a half growl. “I would like to talk more about this, but I need to calm down before we do because the thought of anything happening to you gets me pretty riled up. And if you don’t mind, I would like to check out the security you have in place, I can give you some more options if we need to beef up security measures. But right this minute I just want you to enjoy our date. Does that sound good?”

  “Umm sure, sounds like a plan.”

  Letting it go and just enjoying our time together was the best thing to do right now. The conversation flowed and it got easier and easier to talk to him, he was a great listener and also had interesting things to say. Before I knew it, the Jeep stopped and Braxton said we were here. I looked up, recognizing our destination.

  The zo


  I wasn’t sure how Jurnee would react when our date started at the zoo, but it had been forever since I had been here after being away so long, and she seemed to have such a spirit about her that I thought she may have fun. So here we were. I turned to catch her reaction when she noticed how our date was starting and was pleased.

  “Oh my gosh, really, the zoo? This is great, Braxton, it’s been years since I have been to the zoo.” Seeing Jurnee’s face light up with joy, made me the happiest man.

  “Me too, and trust me, there is more after, but I thought this would be fun to start off with.”

  It wasn’t quite four in the afternoon, after picking Jurnee up at three. It was a fabulous day for walking around the zoo. Not too hot, and not cold or rainy, so I had asked to start the date earlier, versus in the evening. She looked amazing and her scent filling the car was intoxicating. And that smile on her face, that brought out that dimple I loved so much, had my jeans tightening to an almost uncomfortable level. Time to move before I can’t walk.

  “Shall we,” I said motioning to the gate entrance. She nodded her head and I told her to wait for me to come around. Grabbing my keys, I jumped out and ran around to her side of the Jeep, and opened the door. Thank God I am still able to walk normally. Shoving the keys in my pocket with my left hand, I offered her my right to help her down. I couldn’t help noticing her small hand when she placed hers in my much larger one, but it felt like they fit perfectly. Jumping down, she stumbled a bit and landed against my chest. Yup, she fits just right.

  “Oh my, I am so sorry Braxton.” She pushed off me just a little although we were still touching and tilted her head back to look up but her palms still rested against my chest. Which felt damn good. Being six-foot-two, I had quite a bit of height on her. Regardless, she was the perfect fit—like a puzzle piece I had been waiting to join together with all my life.

  “Don’t be sorry, I like you tucked against me and your hands on me.” Her innocent and intriguing eyes widened a fraction; she dipped her head a little as though she was embarrassed. I didn’t want her not looking at me, or feeling weird about this, so I used a hand and tipped her chin back up so she could see me when I spoke next.

  “You know how sometimes in life you need dessert first?” I didn’t give her a chance to respond and had just carried on. “Well, that’s kinda like a kiss at the end of the date, and although it would be traditional for me to wait, Jurnee, I really want to skip to the good part and kiss you right now.” I held my breath and waited.

  She stared at me for a minute, then her tongue swept across her upper lip dampening it and I knew I would do anything this girl wanted if she just gave me half the chance. It was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen, and I’m sure she could feel my reaction, because this time, I couldn’t stop it. Jurnee rocked my world when she nodded once, giving me a yes to my question, and that’s all the confirmation I needed before my head lowered and I touched my lips to hers. I knew it, cherries. Mixed with something that is indescribably Jurnee, it’s the sweetest taste in the world.

  I wasn’t sure how I managed to end the kiss when I did, but I didn’t want to scare her. It was our first kiss and a fucking amazing one at that. I didn’t devour her mouth like I wanted to, it was short and sweet, but still full of heat at the same time. As I pulled back and looked down at her, the expression on her face was pure bliss. It was then, at that moment, I could see my future shining bright in her eyes.

  Grabbing her left hand from my chest so as not to hurt her injured side, I laced our fingers together. “I’m ready if you are?” Once again she nodded. We started walking, hand in hand toward the entrance. I looked over at her and was struck by how beautiful she was, and also couldn’t help but tease her a little too, just to get the blush I adored. So I’d said, “My favorite dessert ever.”

  She didn’t let me down as her face turned pink. Her laughter escaped like soft musical notes and the sound of it became my favorite melody.

  Chapter Twelve


  I was certain my hands were sweating after that kiss and I was a little embarrassed since he was holding one of them. Boy, I was not expecting that, but it was the best surprise ever. His lips were strong, but soft, and the man could lay one on. No question about that. I knew he’d held back, so I couldn’t help but wonder what him letting go would be like. Hopefully one day I would find out, but I did like the concept of dessert first, that was for sure.

  I wouldn’t mind seconds right now.

  Never in my wildest dreams, and Lord knows I’d had many starring Braxton, did I think I would ever be out on a date with him. But I’d planned on making the most out of it, no matter what happened after it was over.

  After he paid to get in, we got the top of our hands stamped and grabbed a map to show us the way to all the exhibits. It had been so long since we’d both been to the zoo and there had been so many changes over the years, that we agreed we wanted to see it all. He did not let go of my hand except when he’d had to grab his wallet to pay but then took it once again right away. The date was already off to a remarkable start. And I hadn’t even had to make a mad dash for the bathroom. Yay me!

  We worked our way through the zoo, stopping to see everything. Laughing, talking, and enjoying our time together, especially when we got to the monkeys. They were one of our favorites. Their silly, playful antics as they jumped and swung around their enclosure had us both cracking up. As we approached the elephant exhibit, there was a cart outside a grassy area and when I read the sign, I squealed in delight. My inner child was obviously coming out to play.

  “What is it?” Braxton asked.

  “Elephant Ears, we have to Braxton. Dessert first is the theme tonight, right?” I kept a hold of his hand as I dragged him right up to the front of the cart. Score, no line. I told the lady we needed a giant cinnamon and sugar one as I pulled my hand from his to dig into my purse. He put a halt to that very quickly.

  “No way are you paying, I will get it.” I just smiled because I wasn’t going to argue if the man wanted to treat me to something delicious.

  After Braxton paid, I realized we were not holding hands any longer. I missed the connection. I didn’t get a chance to dwell on it because they called out our order was up, and we’d need all the hands we could get. The thing was gigantic. It practically had its own zip code. Braxton just looked at me, then the ear in my hands, and cracked up laughing.

  “I don’t know how we are going to eat that and still have dinner later, but let’s give it a whirl. Just remember I already had the sweetest dessert of all time.” He winked.

  I rolled my eyes at his playfulness and decided to play back. Where this side of me came from I didn’t know. Braxton must bring it out in me. “If you’re lucky, you’ll get another taste.” Then I put a little sway in my hips and headed off to sit down.

  I’m fairly sure Braxton’s eyes were glued to my butt since I could feel them on me, but I didn’t dare turn around, or all that bravado would have vanished. I haven’t had to pee yet, and I am not starting now.

  “Okay, let’s cop a squat under this tree and dig in,” I told him.

  “Did you just say cop a squat?” he asked, chuckling.

  “Yup, I may have watched Pretty Woman with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere one too many times, but it’s an awesome movie.” He was just looking at me like I was certifiably crazy, and like he had no idea what I was talking about.

  “Never seen it,” he answered with a shrug.

  My eyes bulged out and I honestly think I must have looked totally nuts by then, because honestly who hasn’t seen Pretty Woman?

  “Dude, we are so going to be watching it. You have to see it.”

  “It’s a date,” he had replied with a roguish grin.

  Eek, I was doing a happy dance in my head at the thought but didn’t dare move or someone may think I am crazy and send me off to a padded room somewhere.

  By the time we gave up tr
ying to finish the thing, we were both wearing a ton of sugar. Brushing off my clothes and shaking out my hair, my eyes met Braxton’s; I froze. Then as if in slow motion, I saw his hand reaching out to graze the side of my cheek. His thumb brushed over my bottom lip and he lowered his head to mine.

  “You got a little something here on your mouth.” Desire filled his words. A second later his lips met mine. He licked the seam of my mouth, and I opened for him immediately. Two in one day and the date wasn’t even over yet. Lucky me. Our breathing was heavy and rapid, as we pulled apart, both shaking with the adrenaline rush the kiss had given us.

  Braxton stood, putting out his hand to pull me to my feet. I let go and walked over dumping the rest of what was not eaten and our garbage in the trash. He automatically extended his hand again and I took it. “Let’s finish up and then I will get some solid food in you.” Not sure how much I could eat after that Elephant Ear feast, but wanting to keep the date going as long as possible, I would sure try. Even if I was sick by the end of the night, it was a sacrifice I was willing to make just to spend more time with Braxton.

  We decided to skip the train ride since we had walked the whole place already, but Braxton mentioned coming back again some time. Knowing he was thinking ahead about being with me down the road had a content sigh of contentment escaping my lips. I liked the idea so much, but at the same time, there was part of me that was still scared and feared I would never be enough for him.

  Plus, my life with the center and the kids were a huge part of me, and someone would have to understand that. I didn’t know if Braxton wanted kids, but I knew I may not be able to give them to him or anyone else, for that matter. What I did know was that one way or another someday I would hopefully have one or more. My life changed when I was adopted, and I fully planned to do the same for a child who needed that. Because the day someone had made me a part of their family, was a blessing any child deserves.