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Entwined Souls (Soul Sister Book 1) Page 8
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Jumping the gun a bit aren’t you, Jurnee? I mean you're on your first date for heaven's sakes.
On our way out, Braxton saw the gift shop and pulled me in. We were looking around the shop, my hand still in his, when all of a sudden he dropped it and picked up an adorable, stuffed monkey and said he thought I needed it to remember our date. I hadn’t had a stuffed animal in forever and I certainly didn’t have many growing up, or at least much until my parents brought me into their home. I grinned at him and his eyes went soft.
Damn I love that look.
He walked off to pay for the gift and I followed. After he thanked the cashier, he turned with the monkey in hand and placed it in mine. Grabbing my hand once again we walked out of the store to the gates and headed to the Jeep. As we reached the passenger side of the vehicle, Braxton asked me what I was going to name it.
“Maybe George, I always did like Curious George. Although I was probably too old for the book by H.A. Rey and Margret Rey about the little orphaned monkey by the time I got to read it. A little girl that was brought into the foster home I was in had the book with her. I didn’t have books of my own growing up until I got to foster care, and even then, there were very few, but I found I liked to read and to take care of the younger kids. Gemma was only six when she arrived, scared, and had just lost her parents in a car accident. She, like me, had no other family and got put into the system. She treasured the stuff she brought with her, and that book was one of her favorite things because her parents used to read it to her all the time. So what they couldn’t do anymore, I did instead. We read that book every night, and most nights she stayed snuggled in with me. Many of the other kids there would sit and listen too. We all understood about being orphaned and George had woven his way into all our hearts. Although I got adopted and was so excited, leaving her was extremely difficult.”
A small sob escaped me, and tears trickled down my cheeks. It was always hard revisiting the past.
Then I panicked a little bit when I realized I had just let a load of personal information out, and while I felt okay about him knowing, I couldn’t tell what the look on Braxton’s face meant. But the glistening of moisture in his eyes had taken me by surprise. I stood there and waited. Then his finger gently swept a strand of hair out of my face, and he tucked it behind my ear.
“Please don’t cry, beautiful. Those tears are killing me”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have dumped all that out and ruined the date by being all emotional. I am having a lot of fun really.”
“Don’t be sorry. You can tell me anything. I want to know you, all of you. And thanks for sharing that with me. While I’m sorry that things were difficult, and that cuts me to the bone knowing how hard or sad things were for you, I see it also made you into the phenomenal woman you are today. Gemma was lucky to have you. Did you ever talk to her after you left?” He spoke to me softly and it had been obvious he was also a little choked up after I had told him that story.
Braxton really was listening. His words and the question regarding Gemma were so sincere that I had trouble speaking for a second. Then finally, I got myself under control enough to answer. “Actually, my parents let me stay in touch with her and some of the others. I saw them from time to time, and although Gemma herself is six years younger than me, she and I are friends. She never got adopted and that has always killed me. Being there for her, like a big sister, someone she could count on over the years is part of what drove me to create Hopeful Jurnee. I am so proud of her strength, ambition, and how smart she is. I will be attending her high school graduation next month. She is starting college here in Portland and I’m so glad she will be close. She wants to be a teacher, guess it was the love of books.”
The smile Braxton had on his face was a panty-dropping one for sure. Lord help me, I may be about to commit a sin.
“That’s great, it’s an amazing thing to hear when things were such a rough start for you both. Think you might tell me more about you and your childhood sometime? I would really like to know everything about you, Jurnee.”
“Everything? Well, we will see. Some things may be a little personal,” I said laughing a bit in a teasing tone.
“Oh someday, nothing will be too personal between us,” he replied with a devilish wink.
Damn, he is hot, and I think my panties may have just combusted, so much for them just dropping. Yup, I am a second away from committing sin number one. Thank goodness he changed the subject or I would be racking them up.
“How about some dinner?”
“I could try and eat something. But after that Elephant Ear, there is no way it will be much.”
“We’ll see how it goes. It just means I get more time with you and I’ll take all I can get.”
When Braxton talked like that I wanted to melt into a puddle of goo. He was so many things, and sweet was one of them. I knew he had many layers and I would be happy to peel them all back one at a time like a banana, while happily sampling them all. Now I was thinking of tasting every inch of him. Shit, how big his cock was has now taken up residence in my head. This man made me think dirty thoughts all the time and now he was staring at me, likely trying to read my mind. Before he could comment, I jumped in the Jeep and shut the door. I watched him round the front end and then he hopped in on his side.
“I will find out what you were thinking a minute ago. Your face always gives you away and your breathing changes. It’s sexy as hell.” I looked at him, once again at a loss for words. He didn’t seem to need any and leaned over and planted a fast kiss on my lips, turned back in his seat, and started the car. As we took off, I was sitting there dumbfounded on how this man had turned me inside out in just a matter of weeks.
And also into a dirty-minded hussy apparently.
“Oh my gosh, I can’t even believe I ate that much after saying there was no way.” Shit, I am about to explode. That will surely be sexy. I was holding my stomach trying to resist the urge to unsnap my pants at the table before they busted open, and the button took his eye out. Braxton had taken me to Benihana’s, a Japanese restaurant. I had been a couple times, but it had been a really long time since I had been there. There wasn’t a ton of time these days to enjoy the things we were doing this evening and I’d never had someone like him to do them with. The group we sat with at the communal hibachi grill table were a load of laughs. Watching as the chefs prepared our food right there around us, was a unique experience.
Braxton leaned over and whispered in my ear. “Just unsnap your jeans, you know you want to.” What the heck, was the man a mind reader or what? I kicked him under the table just like I had when we went to lunch. “Always trying to injure me, you know bad girls get punished, don’t you? You like spankings, Jurnee?” he said in a low, sexy voice.
Damn this man was hard on my undies, they didn’t stand a chance of staying dry with him around. I would need to invest in some extras if I were going to keep spending time with him.
I’m not sure where I’d found my inner flirt. I supposed I was channeling one of my besties when I replied, “Wouldn’t you like to know, and maybe someday you will.” On that note, I freaked myself out and so my next reply wasn’t so sexy. “Gotta pee.” Heaven have mercy, really Jurnee? I was up out of my seat and headed to the restroom before Braxton could say a word, but then I heard a couple of the ladies say, “me too,” and one of the husbands say something about us women always sticking together like a flock of birds when it comes to going to the bathroom. A chorus of male laughter vibrated through the restaurant.
The trip to the restroom was interesting, with the other women talking about their men and how mine was so damn fine. I wasn’t going to assume he was mine, just that we were on a date, but the idea he could be, had me a little jazzed up. When they told me Braxton couldn’t keep his eyes off me, the feeling escalated. Not sure that was true, but a girl could hope.
Heading back to the table I was feeling nervous again and needed to get a grip.
Braxton was so much fun and never made me feel anything but wonderful, and laughing with him was like Christmas morning when your body tingles with excitement and you know there is something special under the tree just for you. Before the age of twelve, I never had that, and later when I did, I cherished it with my whole heart. I knew Braxton and the laughter we shared was burying itself deep into my soul like a cute little bunny burrows down, nestling in its shelter. A place that was sacred and safe.
Reaching the table, I let out a little squeal when Braxton hooked his arm around my waist and pulled me into his lap. I landed with a plop and steadied myself on his hard masculine thighs. The scent of him wrapped its way around me like a thick blanket I never wanted to remove and my body settled. Then a smooth velvety voice tingled my ear. “Are you ready to head out? I want some time alone with you.”
Alone time with Braxton—scary and phenomenal were two words that sprang to mind. But I wanted the time with him so being a little afraid wasn’t going to stop me. “Yeah, let’s go,” I said, but didn’t jump off his lap that fast, because it was now my favorite seat anywhere. From that position, we eventually said our goodbyes to the people we met and had dined with. Then I reluctantly stood. Hand in hand once again we headed out.
After a short drive, we ended up at a park. It was dark now, but moonlight illuminated the sky coming down from the exquisite crescent moon. I found myself being dragged to the swings and we each grabbed one and sat down.
“Wanna see who can jump the farthest out of the swing?” he asked.
“I guess it is true, you’re never too old to let your inner child free,” I said, laughing, but seriously pleased.
“Wait, what was I thinking? I obviously wasn’t, since you need to take care of that shoulder and can’t be jumping out of a swing or even swinging for that matter.”
“Braxton, it’s a lot better, I will be fine. Maybe we should make a bet on the jump, you think?”
“Are you sure? You need to be careful.”
“I’m fine seriously.”
“Sounds like fun, what are we wagering?” He waggled his eyebrows at me suggestively.
“You’re a goof.”
Braxton laughed.
I had to think about my end of this deal for a minute because I needed it to be good, in case I won. Although, I didn’t think I stood a chance with the size and strength Braxton had over me.
“Okay, if I win then you come volunteer one day next week at Hopeful Jurnee.”
“Done, and if I beat you then you let me take you to lunch one day this next week, plus you go out with me again next weekend.”
Well damn, sounded like I had won either way. I couldn’t help the smile that split my face because it was as if I just won the lottery. “Shake on it,” I said, sticking out my hand. Instead of taking it, Braxton wrapped his hand around the chain of my swing and slowly pulled me to him.
“How about we seal the deal with a kiss?”
Good idea. Who was I to deny myself another kiss? He leaned around my chain and with the soft glow of moonlight surrounding us, he sealed the deal. He let go of my swing gently, then I was back in my own space and ready to go.
“I’m ready, but you do realize I win either way, right?”
“So do I Jurnee, so do I. Being with you is the best prize ever and doing that at the place you love, or alone with you on another date counts as a plus in my book.”
Wow, I think I just fell head over heels...
I peeked at his face and grinned. “You mean that, don’t you?” I knew he did but asked anyway.
“You bet I do. Let’s do this.”
We both started pumping our legs. Higher, higher, higher we went, and on the count of three we jumped, both flying through the air. I think he held back for sure, probably just to softly land on me. With a tuck and roll, he was hovering me, staring into my eyes.
“Are you hurt? That was not good for your arm.”
“Truthfully, it didn’t feel that great on my shoulder the way we landed, but I wouldn’t have missed this moment for the world, so I will be fine.”
“I shouldn’t have let you do it,” he said, a worried look on his face.
“Braxton, I wanted to. Let it go, I’m fine.” I didn’t want him pulling back, I wanted him to go full force ahead.
“If you're sure. I do think it was a tie, so we should just do it all. Deal?”
I nodded my agreement and then Braxton’s lips slammed down on mine.
I will gladly keep making deals if this is how we make them official.
Chapter Thirteen
I knew I shouldn’t have been so aggressive, but she drove me wild. Laying there looking into her eyes, our shared laughter, tangled breaths, and her delicious scent filling my nostrils, made me crazy out of my mind. Containing how this girl affected me was impossible. Things may be moving fast, at least on my side, but I didn’t want to waste time when I knew what I wanted.
What I need. It’s her, all her.
I pulled my lips from hers and pushed up on my arms a fraction so I could peer into her sweet intense brown orbs. They had small flakes of gold that sparkled and lit up with emotion. I realized then what I was looking at.
Forever. I could see forever in her eyes.
Chapter Fourteen
Unsure what Braxton was thinking but sensing it was major, had me squirming under his weight and a low groan breaking from his kissable lips.
“Jurnee, if you don’t stop wiggling, I swear.”
I couldn’t help myself. A little shimmy and Braxton mumbled something unintelligible and buried both hands in my hair, planting his mouth firmly against mine again. He didn’t just kiss, he devoured me like he was starving. I thought I’d gotten a glimpse of the very thing I was wondering about earlier. What it’s like when he really allowed himself to let go. But I had a feeling I hadn’t even experienced but a snippet of what this man had to unleash.
Quivering at the thought, Braxton growled into my mouth as our tongues dueled frantically. Looks like we both were starving. His hands finally relaxed and his mouth left mine. A whimper from the loss escaped from my trembling lips. He was looking at me again and his striking emerald eyes peered deep into my soul and I was a goner.
But even with my body, heart, and soul, screaming go for it, my mind was hesitating.
What if I can’t give him everything he wants?
“I lost you, you just froze up. You were there with me one minute and gone the next. Where did you go?”
“It’s nothing, just thinking. Let’s go.” I pushed up on his chest a little giving him the hint to move. I felt bad ruining the moment, but I was scared. I had all these feelings I’d never experienced before and loved the idea of being with Braxton, if that’s what he wanted after tonight, but I wanted to be fair. That would mean a lot more conversation that I wasn’t ready for right now.
He didn’t budge. “Jurnee, I don’t know what is going on, but tonight has been one of the best nights I’ve ever had. Whatever it is, it will be okay. I am right here when you're ready to share.” Then he leaned back down and kissed the tip of my nose.
Yup, I’m toast. Body, heart, and soul. My mind may just have to take a hike.
“Okay,” was all I managed to say. Pushing up and rising to his feet, he put out his hand to help me. Pulling me up, he softly brought me to his chest and tucked me in close. I thought I’d heard him inhale and wondered what the heck. “Did you just sniff me?” I asked as I laughed somewhat awkwardly. My voice was muffled with my face pressed against his shirt.
“I can’t get enough of your scent, Jurnee, it’s intoxicating.
I had the same thoughts about him but was sure he smelt even better. “I have a thing for cherry scents. Shampoo, body wash, spray mists, soap, you name it. Even Chapstick. Don’t laugh.”
“Why would I laugh, he said, pushing back a little to look at me. “It’s sexy and sweet. Good combination.”
o are you going to be sniffing me a lot?” Shit, my mouth is like a runaway train.
“Damn straight,” Braxton said with a look in his eye that spelled trouble. The kind of trouble I just might look forward to. “Guess we better head out and get you home. Don’t want the girls calling out a search party.”
And we’re back on safe ground. Maybe I could handle this and let my fears take a step back.
“I’m a big girl, they will be okay. But I am a little tired and have an early morning over at the hospital to see some of the kids.”
“Your chariot awaits, my lady.” Gesturing with his arm extended toward the parking lot where the Jeep sat, we headed in that direction.
Once we were in the car and headed out, Braxton placed his hand on my knee. We didn’t talk on the way back to the house, we just enjoyed the peacefulness of a good date and great company. With the feeling of contentment soaking in my pores and my body relaxed, I’d fallen asleep. I was awakened when Braxton brushed his hand gently down my arm. “Wake up sleepy head.”
Well, this was a nice way to wake up, but I felt awful for falling asleep on him. “I’m so sorry, Braxton, I didn’t mean to conk out on you.”
“It’s okay, now I know you snore.” Braxton laughed and I swatted his arm playfully.
“No, I don’t.”
“Okay, maybe not snore, but you do make the cutest little noises and even giggle in your sleep.”
Now that I had been told before. The girls loved to tease me about me laughing in my sleep and the sounds I made, so I couldn’t really deny that. I was a bit embarrassed that he heard me, especially after crashing on him during our date. But he did say it was cute, so I guess it was okay.